Women of Genji

An academic blog analyzing the women in Murasaki Shikibu's "The Tale of Genji" and how these characterizations of women are represented in modern Japanese texts and the world today.

Friday, February 24, 2006

Omedetou oneesan!!! XD

just random posting, but japan just won its first olympic gold in figure skating, beating out the heavily favoured american and russian skaters! (more at the cbc website.)

hows that for taking something foreign and making it more japanese! i guess the judges weren't into the the american's or russian's sabi, but i guess in the olympics the judges share a similar wabi XD

did i just make a geeky, dorky (and pathetic) attempt at a japanese-acedemic joke...? oh dear... that's what happens after a weird shift at work... =.=

ps. with what little japanese i retained from jap 100 and 101 from capilano, the title says "congratulations (older) sister". i use "oneesan" as a generic, no relations honourific. to make it more slang/english, it loosely translates into: "congrats/you go girl"


  • At 12:50 AM, Blogger Ray said…

    (for those who didn't watch the event or read the article i linked, what i mean by the wabi sabi joke, is that the russian and american skater both messed up their routine somehow. hence their performance was "flawed" and that the judges shared a "universal" appreciation, or lack their of, for it :D


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