Women of Genji

An academic blog analyzing the women in Murasaki Shikibu's "The Tale of Genji" and how these characterizations of women are represented in modern Japanese texts and the world today.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

hey guy and gals, sorry for missing class today.

anyways, i thought that maybe i could bounce some ideas off you about my presentation. now, i'll admit right now that my presentation will probably be the least academic one thus far, as it's really more about sharing japanese media. however, the way things work out, the media (3-4 music video clips) have a bunch of guys sitting together reflecting on women in their lives, a.k.a. Ch. 2 of Genji: The Broom Tree. Iim going over the song lyrics myself right now to find parallels between them and Genji, but for the presentation, i'll probably only show the clips of the guys talking rather than the music videos. fortunately i was able to find one site that had some translations for the lyrics i need, and i also asked prof O to help me translate the dialogues (which i still need to get from him).

rather than copying and pasting the lyrics, i'll make a link to the lyrics/translations.
Song 1 - You
Song 2 - Feel
Song 3 - Lies
Song 4 - Someday (not sure if i'll use this, depends on time...)

if you guys have a chance, just skim the translated lyrics and tell me what they remind you of :)


  • At 3:44 PM, Blogger Ray said…

    i don't expect lots of feedback, just some ideas :)

    i've looked at "you", and here's what i got...

    the first bit and the chorus remind me of suetsunohana:
    -"your city" = nijo, and that he's far away from her
    -the whole idea of forging made me think of murasaki, but when i thought about it, genji did court with suetsunohana quite a bit, only to pretty much leave her...
    -for the chorus, when her "world stops turning", it's when all of her servants are leaving her, even her most trusted cousin/half-sister
    -"we couldn't be together fromt he beginning... useless efforts" reminded me of fujitsubo, how there was love but it was an untold one
    -all the snow/winter images tie into the hopless despair, end/death of things image we talked about in class a little while ago :)

  • At 3:50 PM, Blogger Ray said…

    i'll do "feel" (my person fav of the 4 songs, lies is kinda... well.... aguilera-ish...) while at work, but just glancing over it right now, it makes me think of the rokujō haven.

    the "private space" and "secret time" reminds me of all the unheard of affairs that she and genji had while everything else was going on. and throughout the entire song, the voice's inability to reflect her true feelings (Heart to Heart chapter) and the guy seemingly giving false hope (Genji not visiting the Rokujō anymore).

    as for the "entracing" music... well... the rokujō's in ability to get herself out of her despair and move on/figure out her emotions, leading to the whole honne-spirit thing killing aoi :D

  • At 6:45 PM, Blogger Ray said…

    just did a quickie interpretation of "lies" in reference to "the broom tree chapter" and it seems like it's the chief equiry's story about the lady who died because of him. the constant references of being happy together, and the hope that the male would reform. the constant idea of restarting, much like how the lady would always welcome the chief equiry irregardless of how long he was away for. the last part of the songs, the want for the reform of the man, and because the chief equiry couldn't/wouldn't change, the romance was over and he lost her.

    ignoring the "bad boy"/etc references in the song, yeah... this song is the least of my favourites...


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